KAMI Wooden Plate L
Introducing "paper-thin," wooden plates from the KAMI series.
Functional as plates or trays and designed to match with the other KAMI tablewares.
Available in 4 sizes, and they can be stacked in a nested manner.
The bigger ones can be used as a tray; the extra small one can be used as a saucer for the KAMI mugs as in the 3rd slide.
The grooves on the bottom help your fingers grip onto the plate.
dimensions (mm):
KAMI Plate TRAY dia300 x h19
KAMI Plate L dia240 x h19
KAMI Plate M dia180 x h19
KAMI Plate S dia140 x h19Brand : TAKAHASHI KOUGEI
Designer : Oji Masanori
Area of production : Toyama
Made of : Castor Aralia
SIze : Approx. 9.5”x 9.5” x 0.75” or (240mm x 240mm x 19mm)